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It only takes 50 milliseconds for visitors to form an opinion about your website. That’s right – in just a fraction of a second, they’ll decide whether your site looks professional, and whether they want to stay or leave. And 94% of those first impressions are design related.

In short, visitors will immediately judge your website based on the quality of its design.

2021 will call for a user-first approach to web design – a trend confirmed by Google in its recent announcement that page experience will become a ranking factor this year. Factors such as usability, page-speed, mobile-friendliness, and security will all have a huge part to play in securing higher Google rankings. The message is clear: if you want to rank well, you need to put users first when designing your website.

Whether you’re building a new website or wondering how to improve an existing one, we’re here to help you make an impact for the right reasons. We’ve tracked the trends, analyzed the stats, and are ready to show you how to make your site look awesome in 2021.

Don’t lose visitors, sales, or social shares because of sketchy web design – check out these trends and statistics, and make good design choices instead!


Minimalism has become a design trend that refuses to quit and a go-to for web designers over the last decade. Minimalist design is based around using only essential elements, such as shapes, clean text, limited colors and empty space, to create a webpage that is simple, functional, and impactful.

Colorful minimalism is also on the rise, featuring block colors and bold backgrounds, simple sans serif fonts and minimalist design elements to create a simple yet attractive website design. This approach to web design will continue to be a key component to providing an intuitive and memorable user experience.